Is Burning Sage Safe for Pets

Is Burning Sage Safe for Pets?

Burning sage is a common practice in many cultures for cleansing and purification.

There are some people who believe that burning sage around their homes will keep them safe from negative energy, but there are also those who question the safety of this practice when it comes to pets.

This blog post explores the debate about whether or not burning sage is safe for pets!

Effects of Sage on Dogs

Sage has been known for having an aggravating effect on a dog’s stomach, causing excessive drooling and vomiting.

It can also cause inflammation of the mouth in dogs if they chew or swallow any part of it.

For this reason, you should never burn sage while your pet is in the same room; even if they are not directly in the smoke, they can still be affected.

If your pet is suffering from any of these symptoms after coming into contact with sage, you should take them to a vet immediately.

Effects of Sage on Cats

Just like dogs, cats are also sensitive to burning sage; however, it’s not as harmful to them as it is for dogs.

Cats do not usually chew plants like dogs, so it is less likely for them to ingest sage.

The smoke of the burning sage can cause inflammation in their eyes or respiratory system; if you notice any redness or coughing after they come into contact with the plant, take them immediately to a veterinarian.

Effects of Sage on Birds

Birds, of course, are also very sensitive to smoke.

Burning sage has been known to cause inflammation of the mouth and trachea in birds if they inhale too much smoke from the plant burning.

If you have a bird at home and would like to burn some sage for cleansing purposes, be sure that it is far away from where your bird is and that it does not come into contact with smoke.

If you notice any of these symptoms in a bird after burning sage, take them to an avian veterinarian immediately:

  • Coughing or gagging
  • Difficulty breathing/wheezing
  • Constant eye-watering or discharge

Effects of Sage on Reptiles like Snakes or Lizards

Because reptiles breathe through their skin, they are especially sensitive to burning sage.

If your reptile’s cage is near a place where you burn sage regularly, make sure that it does not come into direct contact with them and/or cause any smoke damage.

It can be very dangerous if a snake or lizard ingests or absorbs too much smoke from the burning sage, as they cannot vomit it out like a dog or cat can.

Effects of Sage on Mouse or Hamster

Unfortunately, there has not been enough research on the effects of sage burning with regards to smaller pets like mice or hamsters.

However, it is still best to be cautious around these types of rodents because they are so small and sensitive.

If you do decide to burn some sage for cleansing purposes in your home, make sure that no pets can come into contact with the smoke or plant.

Conclusion: There is no conclusive evidence that burning sage is safe for pets.

However, if you have a pet and want to use this practice in your home, follow these tips:

  • Never burn the plant while your pet is in the same room; it doesn’t need to be directly exposed to cause irritation!
  • Keep an eye on them after they come into contact with the plant; if you notice any signs of illness, take them to a vet immediately.
  • If your pet is not sensitive to sage smoke and has no bad reaction after coming in contact with it, feel free to use this practice without worrying too much!

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