Energy Vampire Zodiac Sign

Energy Vampires Based On Zodiac Sign

Did you know certain energy vampires with a specific zodiac sign are likely to behave a certain way?

Not only that, you are also more likely to attract a certain type of energy vampire based on your own zodiac sign.

Before that make sure you understand what an energy vampire is.

What is an energy vampire?

An Energy Vampire, also known as a psychic vampire, emotional vampire or emotional leech, is someone who takes away your energy.

If you continuously feel drained or tired after being around a person, they are likely to be an emotional vampire.

The reason for this is that they’re super draining to be around and a lot of times they aren’t even aware of it.

How each Energy Vampire Is Likely To Behave Based on Their Own Zodiac Sign

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Energy Vampires who are Aries are likely to act like bullies.

They will try and exert their dominance by using anger, aggression or intimidation techniques.

This may be something as simple as telling you that they know what is best for you (even though it’s not the case).

Aries energy vampires are also known to play on your insecurities; whether that would be because they know about a secret that you want to keep hidden or because they think it will make them feel better.

They are also likely to try and bring up bad memories from your past in order to use them against you (maybe something like bringing up an argument between you both).

You are more likely to attract this type of Energy Vampire if you are: Sagittarius

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus energy vampires are likely to be more manipulative than direct.

They will make up excuses and twist things around in order to get what they want; even if it is at the cost of hurting you (emotionally or physically).

They will also use guilt to get their own way.

Taurus energy vampires are likely to try and keep you in a situation where they can control you (for example, by convincing you that your friends really don’t care about how much it hurts when they say or do something hurtful).

The Taurus vampire is therefore the “manipulative partner” in a relationship.

They will also be more likely to put you down and call you names.

You are more likely to attract this type of Energy Vampire if you are: Capricorn

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini energy vampires are likely to be more direct.

They are unlikely to rummage through your memories in order to use them against you, but may still try and make themselves look better by talking about their own successes or talents (even if they haven’t actually got any).

A Gemini energy vampire is also likely to mock you for being upset, so they can say “I told you so” when whatever is upsetting you fails to happen.

They might also tell lies or spread rumors which could be hurtful for those involved.

Gemini energy vampires are also likely to be more intolerant of people who do not share their opinions and may try to make themselves look better by putting others down in public (for example, through bullying tactics).

You are more likely to attract this type of Energy Vampire if you are: Libra

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Emotional energy vampires who are Cancer are likely to try and make you feel guilty for feeling upset.

They may also try and make you feel sorry for them (for example, by saying that they are unwell or feeling ill as a result of what you said).

As Cancer energy vampires will typically believe that others have more power than themselves; they can therefore often appear submissive or weak.

Their energy vampires are likely to try and take advantage of that by pretending to be the victim (so they can use your pity against you).

You are more likely to attract this type of Energy Vampire if you are: Gemini

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leo energy vampires are likely to be more aggressive.

They will try and make you feel guilty for speaking your mind or having a different opinion (for example, by telling you that it is not surprising that everyone thinks you should do something other than what you want because of “how selfish” you are).

They may also try and make you feel sorry for them by telling you how much they have done for other people (for example, by making out that it is their responsibility to fix what has gone wrong).

Leo energy vampires are likely to tell lies in order to get themselves into trouble or cause problems for other people (for example, by telling their parents that you have been saying things about them).

You are more likely to attract this type of Energy Vampire if you are: Aries

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo energy vampires are likely to be more suspicious and distrusting.

They will not believe what you say (unless it is in line with their own opinions) and may even try and make themselves look better by making out that other people agree with them (even when they don’t).

They could also play mind games or tell lies in order to confuse you or make themselves look better.

Virgo energy vampires will also tend to expect perfection from everyone else but won’t hold themselves up to the same standards.

You are more likely to attract this type of Energy Vampire if you are: Taurus

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Libra energy vampires are likely to be more indirect.

They will try and make you feel guilty, even if they don’t actually say anything (for example, by giving you the “silent treatment”).

They are also likely to try and make you feel sorry for them (for example, by saying that they just want you to be happy).

Libra energy vampires will also often tell lies to avoid confrontation or keep the peace (even if it means they have to lie about something serious).

They may also try and convince you that other people agree with them, even when they don’t.

You are more likely to attract this type of Energy Vampire if you are: Cancer

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio energy vampires are likely to be more aggressive.

They will try and make you feel guilty by telling you that whatever upset them was your fault (for example, by saying “you made me do this”).

Scorpio energy vampires can also be possessive of those they care about and so they may even try and sabotage things in order to make themselves feel better (for example, if you are in a relationship with them they may try and break it up).

Scorpio energy vampires will often tell lies about other people or keep secrets.

You are more likely to attract this type of Energy Vampire if you are: Leo

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius energy vampires are likely to be more direct.

They will not try and make you feel sorry for them, even if they say that something is wrong (for example, by saying “I’m fine” or giving one-word answers).

Instead, Sagittarius energy vampires may simply demand attention without actually telling anyone what is wrong.

They could also lie in order to get their own way or make themselves look better (for example, by pretending that something is more serious than it actually is).

Sagittarius energy vampires may be overly critical of other people and try to put them down in public for not sharing the same opinions as they do.

You are more likely to attract this type of Energy Vampire if you are: Aquarius

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn energy vampires are likely to be more cautious and mistrusting.

They will not believe what you say and may accuse you of lying or hiding the truth (even if it is something small).

Capricorn energy vampires are also likely to try and make situations about them, for example by saying that they do things for other people because nobody else can be trusted.

They could even pretend that other people agree with them when they actually don’t.

You are more likely to attract this type of Energy Vampire if you are: Pisces

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius energy vampires are likely to be more detached and unemotional.

They will tend to ignore or avoid confrontation, even if it means lying (for example, by saying that they didn’t want to do something when in truth they did).

If an Aquarius energy vampire is really pushed then their response may be cold and forceful (for example, by saying “I don’t care”).

They could also become passive-aggressive (by doing something that they know will annoy you).

Aquarius energy vampires are likely to speak their mind but may suddenly refuse to discuss things if it gets too emotional for them.

You are more likely to attract this type of Energy Vampire if you are: Scorpio

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces energy vampires are likely to be more indirect and detached.

They will not do things out of spite (for example, by purposely breaking something or doing a poor job), but they may become passive-aggressive if pushed too far (by saying “I don’t want to talk about it”).

A Pisces energy vampire is also likely to do something that they know will upset you just because it suits them (for example, by flirting with someone else when in a relationship).

If pushed then Pisces energy vampires may become emotional or even violent.

You are more likely to attract this type of Energy Vampire if you are: Virgo


I hope that this information has helped you to understand energy vampires a little bit better.

You can read more about energy vampires and how to deal with them here.

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